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✧What are the Celestials?✧

Celestials are living worlds. They are the Stars, planets, moons,  and all known astronomical bodies within our  universe. Known as Powerful extraterrestrial cosmic beings, With the Star race being the dominant Rulers over most worlds. Life within these systems can be made a peaceful paradise for life amongst the Celestials to rise and flourish, like our very solar system controlled by none other than our Sun. But for those unfortunate worlds living harsh conditions under their Star, can live a life of infernal torture for them to suffer, or sadly to endure worse faiths.


It is the stars that lights the paths of those worlds. And those stories, like Earths, begins here…

They are planetary-based Celestial with a vast range of different species large and small. The mass majority of celestial seem to take up the form of humanoids in nature, alien styled at most. They have bodies that contain similar skeletal and neurological elements that humans hold, while some can take the form of an disfigured monster. They’re sizes can be many, but are more common to a normal standard size of a human. Celestials are also shape-shifters and can become anything towards their liking.

Nearly each and every Celestial world has a physical body, mind and soul with the center of its inner core being their heart. Their life-span can last just as far as their planets can last, which is billions and trillions of years. So they age entirely slow, but none the last they do age. Celestials are also incredibly hard to destroy/kill. Their heart is their inner core to its planet, so destroying its entire world inside and out is the only way to do so. Asteroids, mainly the larger one’s are the primary threats to all celestial planets. So with that in mind Celestials are semi immortal in most cases.

✧Celestial Roles✧

All Celestials have a world of their own, regardless of their status.

✦Stars:   Stars are one of the main Celestials who dominates most of the universe, each ruling over their own territories in space respectively. They are the candles that brightens the cosmos, attracting all forms of life to live within their rings. They are always addressed as Kings, Queens, lords and so forth that resembles a ruler's titles. In this universe, Stars are wide ranging and obsolete.

✦Planets:    Planets are the second most commonly found  celestial worlds floating around space, but they’ll sometimes need the guidance of a star to live to their fullest potential. Planets can come equipped with a wide and nearly endless variety of forms and traits. The most common planets you’ll find are gas giants and rocky worlds, but the possibilities are endless.  They serve under the laws and order of they’re star, but for the most part, have the freedom to create their own system of rules to their liking.

✦Moons:   Moons are known as guardians and protectors to mainly the Planets they orbit. These group of celestials are overwhelmingly loyal towards the planets that they live with and will be the first line of defense to fight against all threats that’ll harm they’re ruler. But the opposite can be said if the moon is a captured moon. Those types of moons tend to be more hostile and defiant in nature.

✦Dwarfs:   Dwarf planets are a lot like moons in many ways. These groups of smaller body celestials are loyal and will willingly serve as guardians to their stars and sometimes towards neighboring worlds. But there are a small  handful of them that are simply just leeches who basically live by their own set of rules.

✦Comets:   The wanderers of space. They can either be labeled as harmless beings whom just want to venture around space, or they can be called potentially hazardous especially for large worlds.

✦Asteroids:   Some are small and some can be big in size, but nonetheless these deformed groups of celestials are some of the biggest threats to worlds. They are outlaws who roam  freely throughout the galaxy, wreaking havoc upon innocent planets as it is their goal to destroy. Although They may be forgotten broken bits of a former world, their demeanor has grown into a much darker personality of its own. Asteroids are not to be trusted.

✦Blackholes:   These gigantic forms of Celestials are killers of Star, and aren’t deemed as friendly. But like Stars, they too are rulers over all.

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